Vintage Re-Sell

We all know, loved clothes last.

It is not uncommon to have ekologic clothing or accessories that you’ve had for years. I personally have ekologic items from 20 years ago. They are in excellent condition, but my body size has changed. I don’t have any family members to pass these items down too, so I lovingly keep storing them. This lead us to create ekologic Vintage Re-sell.

Send us your cleaned ekologic items and we will photograph and post them on our website.

When your item sells, you have the option to donate the proceeds to one of the charities we are featuring, earn ‘eko bucks’ and use the cash value toward a new ekologic product on our website or get 80% of the cash value returned to you. We save 20% to help us cover the cost of photography and communication. The rest goes directly to your choice of options above.

We will price the items at approximately 30% of the original value, depending on the age and condition of the item you send us.

Offering ekologic Vintage Re-sell is one of the ‘greenest’ things we can do for the planet. It also aligns with our eco sensitive values. We are really excited to offer this service for our customers and hope that it creates new ekologic fans along the way.

How may we help you?

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